Page 1 - Food and Nutrition for You
P. 1
ch14.qxp 3/26/2009 12:13 PM Page 294
14 Fish
In This Chapter,
You Will . . .
■ ■ IIddeennttiiffyy ttyyppeess ooff ffiisshh aanndd Why You Need to Know This
s shheellllffiisshh
■ ■ IIddeennttiiffyy tthhee nnuuttrriittiioonnaall vvaalluuee ooff
f fiisshh aanndd sshheellllffiisshh There are literally thousands of different types of fish living in
oceans, lakes, rivers, and ponds around the world. Fish is low in
■ ■ LLeeaarrnn hhooww ttoo pprreeppaarree ffiisshh aanndd
s shheellllffiisshh calories and saturated fat, and high in protein, vitamins, and miner-
als. It comes in a wide range of tastes and textures, and can be pre-
pared in many different ways. Although it is usually served as the
main course, some varieties make a great appetizer or salad, and
most can be used as an ingredient in other dishes. As a class, dis-
cuss the types of fish you like to eat. How many different types can
you think of? Categorize them based on whether they come from
saltwater (the ocean) or from freshwater (like a lake or river).