Page 4 - Learning Microsoft® Office 2016
P. 4

4                        Chapter 1 | Basics |  Business Information Management I

         Lesson 1

         Microsof t Office 2016


         WORDS TO KNOW             ➤ What You Will Learn
         Byte                          Analyzing Information Technology
         A unit used to measure        Analyzing Microsoft Office
         storage capacity. One
         byte equals about one         Using the Mouse
         character.                    Using the Keyboard
         Communications                Navigating with File Explorer
         technology                    Creating and Deleting a Folder
         Technology that makes
         communication easier          Starting and Exiting Microsoft Office Programs
         and more efficient.

         Current file
                                   Software Skills  Anyone trying to succeed in today’s competitive business world
         The file currently open
                                   benefits from an understanding of information technology. A good place to start is
         and active. Actions and
                                   by learning how to use Microsoft  Office 2016, a suite of programs that may be used
         commands affect the
                                   independently or together to create simple documents, such as letters and memos,
         current file.
                                   as well as complex reports, data tables, and budget spreadsheets.
         A location on disk where
         you can store files.      What You Can Do
         Hardware                  Analyzing Information Technology
         Computers, printers, and
         other devices.            „  Information technology, or IT, refers to the use of computers to collect, store,
                                      and distribute information.
         Text or graphics that     „  Communications technology is part of information technology. It refers to the
         are linked to another        use of technology to make communication easier and more efficient.
         location. When you        „  Businesses rely on technology of many types to make sure employees have the
         click a hyperlink, the       tools they need to complete assignments, tasks, and other responsibilities.
         destination is displayed.   „  Technology purchases include hardware and software.
         Often referred to simply
                                   „  At the very least, almost all businesses require a computer, a printer, a
         as “link.”
                                      connection to the Internet, and access to software such as Microsoft Office for
         Icon                         basic business applications, such as word processing, data management, and
         A picture used to identify   spreadsheet functions.
         an element onscreen,      „  Other IT needs depend on the type and size of business. Some common IT
         such as a toolbar button.    equipment includes scanners to convert printed material to digital format. Some
                                      businesses may use other input devices such as voice recognition software, digi-
                                      tal cameras, touch screen monitors or tablets, smartphones, and microphones.
                                   „  Other technology a company might need includes projectors, bar code readers,
                                      cash registers, and video conferencing systems.
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