Page 2 - Computers and Technology for Science
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03-SC-Spreadsheet  5/30/07  3:32 PM  Page 88

               Activity  1


               Practice Activity

                             Technology Overview             Spreadsheets can be used to record data in a
                             table format in order to compare the data. In this activity, you will use a spreadsheet
                             program to enter data in a table format.
                             Content Overview           Have you ever made chocolate milk by mixing choco-
                             late syrup with milk? If so, then you have demonstrated a basic principle of physical
                             science by creating a solution. A solution is two or more substances combined to
                             form a new substance. Coffee is another example of a solution. Coffee is a combina-
                             tion of coffee beans, water, and a naturally occurring substance known as caffeine.
                             Caffeine is a substance that can temporarily increase physical activity. In this activity,
                             you will learn about the amount of caffeine found in regular coffee and in decaf-
                             feinated coffee.


               Cell The intersection of a spreadsheet row and col-  Font size The height of an uppercase letter in a
                  umn, which holds an entry.                          font set.
               Column A vertical line of cells in a spreadsheet,    Font style The slant and weight of characters in a
                  identified by letter.                               font set.
               Font A complete set of characters in a specific face,  Row A horizontal line of cells in a spreadsheet, iden-
                  style, and size.                                    tified by number.

               KEY CONCEPTS

               Select Cells                                         Change Font Formatting

               ! Actions and commands affect the active, or         ! The default Excel 2003 font is Arial.
                  selected, cell(s).                                ! The default Excel 2007 font is Calibri.
               ! The active cell has a bold black border around it.  ! Font size is measured in points. There are 72
               ! You can also select a range of cells.                 points in an inch.
               ! When a range is selected, the border surrounds all  ! The default Excel 2003 font size is 10 points.
                  selected cells. The active cell has a white fill, while  ! The default Excel 2007 font size is 11 points.
                  other cells in the range are shaded.
                                                                    ! When you change the font size, Excel automatically
                                                                       adjusts the row height but does not adjust the col-
                                                                       umn width.
                                                                    ! The most common font styles are bold and italic.
                                                                    ! When no style is applied to a font, it is called regular.
                                                                    ! Font styles can be combined for different effects,
                                                                       such as bold italic.

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