Page 2 - Computers and Technology for Language Arts
P. 2
Activity 1
Practice Activity
Technology Overview If you were picking out a book for a four-year-old
child, what kind of book would you choose? To hold a child’s interest, you’d probably
need plenty of colorful pictures to go along with the words, right? Well, the same
holds true for electronic media audiences of all ages. Colorful graphics and photo-
graphs help to capture the person’s attention. In this activity, you will use presentation
software to create a slide show and add several scanned images to enhance the
appearance and interest of your presentation.
Content Overview Have you ever read someone’s biography? It’s the
story of a person’s life. Bio means life, and graph means to write. It’s a very popular lit-
erary genre, especially when the subject is someone famous. Most often, biographies
include information about the person’s background, interests and achievements. In
this activity, you will create a multimedia biography of professional golfer Tiger
Woods. You will include background information about him as well as photographs
and other related images.
Active slide The slide currently selected or dis- Slide design A set of coordinated formatting set-
played. tings that you can apply to one or more slides.
Clip art Files such as pictures, sounds, and videos Slide layout Prearranged sets of placeholders for
that you can insert into an Office document. various types of slide content.
Font A set of characters with a specific size and Slide timing A setting that controls the amount of
style. time a slide displays on the screen.
Handouts Printed copies of the presentation for the Theme A set of coordinated formatting settings that
audience to refer to during and after the slide show. you can apply to one or more slides.
Normal view PowerPoint’s default view that dis- Title slide A slide layout set up for entering a title
plays the Slide pane, the Notes pane, and the and a subtitle.
Slides/Outline pane.
Transitions The visual effects used when one slide
Placeholders Designated areas in PowerPoint lay- moves off of the screen and another moves onto the
outs that can be used to easily insert text, graphics, screen.
or multimedia objects.
Presentation A set of slides or handouts that
contains information you want to convey to an